Pinterest Proxy Secrets Revealed: How To Automate Like a Pro

Proxy for Pinterest

Today, we will discuss one supremely powerful tool you should be utilizing as a business owner.

The insane marketing potential Pinterest has for businesses and freelancers has been going unnoticed amidst the noise.

In the article we will be informing readers about free and paid proxies for Pinterest.

Pinterest Marketing

Launched in 2011 by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, Pinterest has often been on the sidelines of the social hype.

We wonder why as they have 250 million active accounts as of end 2018.

And that number only looks to be growing every day.

Brands and companies have realized that they have a ready and eager market of unmatchable numbers on Pinterest.

Why Pinterest?

Why does this platform deserve your business or investment?

Let’s have a look at some numbers –

  • More than half of the Pinterest users are females
  • 1/3rd of all social media users are Pinterest users
  • 80% of Pinterest users have ended up buying something they saw on the site
  • 70% of users have decided to make an offline purchase after they saw a pin
  • More than 70% of e-commerce sales on Pinterest happen on a mobile device

These numbers are enough to pique the attention of big or small businesses.


Proxy for Pinterest

Proxy for Pinterest

Pinterest Pins

The pins are also posted ahead of trend or season.

If you are a clothing brand and offer discounts on Christmas, the average time to start pinning would be 45-55 days in advance.

Pinterest Unintentional Customer Insight

A user pins something they like or desire.

There are boards dedicated to Wedding, Bridal Showers, Fashion, Holiday etc.

These let retailers, brands and agencies an unintentional insight into customers and their wants.

You can tailor your board so it meets the interest of your targeted audience and chances are they will notice.

A pin has a longer lasting shelf life than other forms of social media.

You may notice that your old pins get traction when you least expect them to.

Another factor is the exceedingly high number of female users.

This can tell you what kind of products or things to market and pin.

Off the top of my head, I can name categories such as Fashion, Beauty, Decor, Makeup, DIY ideas, and Jewelry.

Some of the users also tend to place pins geographically which is even better.

This way local retailers can find out if they have customers staying in their area or can make offline purchases.

Quality Over Quantity Pins

Before you start pinning millions of pins and boards to your account, read ahead.

A successful fashion blogger or Instagram influencer may not be a Pinterest influencer.

There is a nuanced difference among these mediums and it is crucial you realize that.

Pinterest influencers usually have a smaller following but create relevant niches or boards.

A novice may create an all Fashion board and pin all products in a haphazard manner.

The smarter way would be to have all Fashion as the main category and within you create sub-categories like dresses, tops, outerwear, knitwear, shoes, and bags.

The clearer your niche and board is, the more interest you’ll receive.

If you want to indulge in influencer marketing, pick somebody who is familiar with the medium and doesn’t just have millions of followers.

High-resolution photographs that are designed beautifully are a must.

People rarely read the content surrounding the pin.

A great image is how you hook people to your board or profile.

Ensure that your influencer or partner can create compelling imagery related to your brand and product.

Pinterest Keywords

Keywords are also useful when writing the text around your image.

Pick words that connect directly to your brand and have a timeless essence.

Pinterest Mobile Standard Imagery

Customers prefer using Pinterest on a mobile device.

The younger generation is very comfortable making purchases while on a mobile device.

If your link is faulty or doesn’t work on mobiles, it can put off potential customers.

Pinterest Marketing Automation

Now that we know the benefits of Pinterest, let’s figure if we should be automating Pinterest marketing.

This is a no-brainer.

The answer is yes, you should definitely be automating Pinterest marketing.

You already have a busy schedule and trying to figure out another app, its intricacies and follies is bound to pressure you.

Automating it will save you time, energy and undue stress.

But remember, automating doesn’t mean you forget you have Pinterest.

You should stay updated and involved.

Always pin and post fresh, relevant content, according to trends and seasons.

Pinterest Automation Software

On that note, here are some top picks for Pinterest automation softwares:


It can be frustrating coming up content or ideas every day.

Then you have to post it on the particular website.

It makes social media painful.

Save yourself the trouble and plan your pins ahead of schedule.

Viraltag lets you schedule your pins in advance and choose different captions, filters for the same photo across platforms.


A hack for marketers and businesses, Repinned allows you to view the most pinned, popular, and active pins in each category.

This is a great way of understanding what your customers are seeking or liking.

Pay attention to layouts and themes to follow trends.


One of the most popular and known software tools, NinjaPinner is easy to use.

Opt for the follow feature and it follows users or boards similar to your interests or connected to your ideas.

You can be assured of other users noticing and eventually following you back.

Remember to keep checking on the accounts you follow!


Slightly more feature loaded than NinjaPinner, it is a multipurpose automated tool.

Brands can follow pins or profiles that follow you back, create lists of special customers, and run multiple accounts.

The more accounts you’ll follow, the more visible your brand gets.

Brands can set an adequate ratio of accounts to follow back so it doesn’t look suspicious.

You will have to set up a one-time payment method and then it will take care of everything you need.

Pinterest Analytics

Putting all your data on one page, this tool lets you grasp what is working and what isn’t.

Brands should keep a sharp eye on the data to predict future fads and interests.

Proxy Pinterest

Proxy Pinterest

Pinterest Proxy

Moving on, you may be wondering do you need a proxy for Pinterest or is it unnecessary.

If you are a big business or expanding brand, you need to tap into your customers ALL the time.

You can’t ignore them when you sleep or when busy with your personal life.

Automation does ease some of the issues but you need a proxy for Pinterest.

A proxy is something that will let you manage multiple accounts or handle more business as it protects your identity.

There are proxies available for all social media platforms but we are talking about Pinterest proxy today.

Automated software and tools tend to work better and faster when combined with an anonymous, secure proxy.

Once you’ve decided that you need a proxy, the question is should you buy a paid service or have a free Pinterest proxy.

Proxy for Pinterest

Let’s view the pros and cons-

  • Paid Proxy vs Free Proxy
  • Guaranteed Privacy vs Not Guaranteed
  • High Speed vs Slower Speed (Slower Than Paid)
  • Secure vs Not Secure At All (Anyone Can Use)

Premium Proxy Pinterest

A premium proxy for Pinterest can allow you to manage multiple accounts with a few simple click of a button.

This lets you secure your data and perform business activity without any worry of getting blocked.

Premium Pinterest proxy providers have thousands of unique IP addresses, all working 24×7 in an automated manner.

Depending on where you are based, choosing a proxy location that is near your target market would work optimally when managing these social accounts.

Free Pinterest Proxies

Free proxies for Pinterest are also useful but there is a risk that your account may get banned if it comes under scrutiny.


To conclude, this isn’t a cakewalk.

There is so much information one needs to be aware of before starting a marketing campaign on Pinterest.

It has ultimate potential if cracked properly but it can also backfire if you don’t utilize it fully.

Read up on articles, blog posts, and websites that offer helpful information.

The automation software tools also have blogs and forums that you can participate in if you have any query.

Social media has a steep learning curve and everybody is still learning.

Start using the app like a consumer and take it one day at a time.

Do your research before paying or investing in any service.

Do not use a free proxy without verifying its authenticity.

Here’s wishing you all the best as you plan a Pinterest journey.

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